If you already are my client or if you request my services, you entrust me with your personal data.
On this page you will find an overview of the main principles of the protection of this personal and any other data.

Who processes your data?

Dominik Kučera, Rumunská 14/27, Prague 2 – 120 00, IČO/CIN 87666626.
I will process your personal data as the sole administrator according to the conditions below.

What personal data do I process?

I only process personal data that you provide me in connection with the inquiry or use of my services, or in connection with a contract for my services.

This is the data that you tell me yourself:
– e-mail,
– first and last name, or a nickname from a social network, if you contact me through one
– contact address if I go to you to implement the service or if I send you its physical output,
– telephone number, if necessary for the implementation of the service,
– payment details, if an invoice is issued,
– IP address and cookies that I receive from you if you visit my website,
– photos and audiovisual recordings in case of your participation in contracts photographed or filmed by me.

Why do I process your personal data?

– The main reason why I process your personal data is to be able to provide the services you have expressed interest in.
– Furthermore, so that I can further improve the quality of my services or offer new services.
– I process the data sent via the contact form in order to be able to answer your questions correctly and in a timely manner.
– I keep photos and audio-visual recordings in order to be able to send them to you if you lose them yourself, and also for further promotion of my services, including publishing the photos and audio-visual recordings on my website or social networks.
– I keep your payment and other personal data for my tax and legal obligations and for accounting records.
– I keep all the mentioned data for the protection of my rights, e.g. in case of a legal dispute regarding any of my services.

Who will have access to your data?

Only I have access to your personal data, I will not purposefully disclose them to any third party.

The third parties who, under certain circumstances and according to the nature of the services provided to you, may gain access to your personal data are:
– persons who ensure the technical operation of a certain service for me or operators of technologies that I use for my services, i.e. web hosting, mail hosting, IT support;
– persons who provide above-standard or above-capacity services for me – other professionals from my field that I provide to you when the implementation of the service is beyond my capacity or beyond my field;
– operators of advertising systems in connection with advertising on social networks;
– visitors to my website and social networks, on which materials from contracts realised by me are published.

On the basis of valid legal regulations, under certain conditions defined by law, I am obliged to transfer some of your personal data, for example, to the Police of the Czech Republic, or to other bodies active in the given procedure, including specialised departments (ÚOOZ, Customs, etc.) and other public administration bodies.

How long do I process your data?

I process your data for the entire period of use of my services and subsequently for a period adequate to protect my rights, exercise claims from fulfilment or liability for damage caused.

Those personal data that are necessary for the proper provision of the service, or in order to fulfil all my obligations, whether these obligations arise from the contract between us or from generally binding legal regulations, I must process regardless of your consent for the period determined by the relevant legal regulations and in accordance with them, even after any withdrawal of your consent.

I process the data obtained as part of the request or fulfilment of one of my services for the duration of the provision, organisation and implementation of the service and for at least 5 years after its termination. The reason for this deadline is my experience with a number of clients who, due to technical failure or their own fault, have lost their data - outputs from my services - and are still asking me for a copy of them after several years. I am always happy to provide such a copy, but it is essential for me to be able to identify the person of the client even after several years and connect it with the given realisation.

Can I process your personal data even without your consent?

Yes, I can process your personal data even without your consent, but only for the purpose of:;
– provision of a service or product (fulfilment of the contract concluded between you and me, whereas the request can pose as a contract itself and the subsequent implementation of a certain service without the need to sign anything);
– fulfilment of legal obligations arising for me from general legal regulations;;
– processing that is necessary for the purposes of my legitimate interests (e.g. marketing and promotion).;

The possibility and legality of such processing follows directly from applicable legal regulations and your consent to this processing is not required.

How is your personal data secured?

All personal data you provide to me is secured by standard procedures and modern technologies. However, it is not objectively possible to completely guarantee the security of your personal data. Therefore, it is not even possible to completely ensure that the personal data provided cannot be accessed by a third party, copied, published, altered or destroyed by breaking my security measures.

How and when can you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data?

You can revoke your voluntarily given consent to the processing of personal data at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing of personal data that I process on a basis other than consent, i.e. if the processing is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract, due to a legal obligation or for the reasons specified in the applicable legal regulations.

What are all your rights in relation to the protection of personal data?

In relation to your personal data, you have the following rights in particular:
– the right to withdraw your consent at any time;
– the right to correct or expand personal data;
– the right to request restriction of processing;
– the right to raise an objection or complaint against processing in certain cases;
– the right to request the transfer of data;
– the right to access personal data;
– the right to be informed about a breach of personal data security in certain cases;
– the right to erasure of personal data (the right to be forgotten) in certain cases;
– other rights set out in the Personal Data Protection Act and the The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How can you contact me?

In case of any question about the protection of personal data or withdrawal of consent to the further processing of your personal data, please use the contact form on the Contact page, or contact me in writing at my address listed in the header of this text.